Energy Healings

Energy Healings Disturbances can show up in many places in our lives (financial, relationship, career, health) and in our complete body system (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). Within my practice, I use several modalities to bring about healing. I tailor the choice of modality to the specific needs of the client and sometimes I am guided to combine modalities for simultaneous healing on multiple levels. All of the healing modalities I offer can be done in person or remotely.

I use the following modalities:

Integrated Energy Therapy (IET):

I am a certified IET Master Healer. IET is a healing system channeled by Stevan J. Thayer from the Arch Angel Ariel. See this site for more information: It is a hands-on healing system that directs angelic energy to specific areas of the body to rid the cell of traumatic imprints and bring about healing through the complete body system (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). Clients will be asked to lay on a table while the energy is channeled into them. The most commonly expressed reactions are repetitive deep yawning, a sudden deep sleep, a gurgling stomach, lucid visions and/or emotional release.

Sai Shakti Healing:

A series of healing techniques based on ancient Vedic palm leaf manuscripts taught by my late teacher and Hindu Swami Sri Kaleshwar. It is primarily a soul based healing modality, meant to remove negativity and karma from the body and soul.

More information about Swami Sri Kaleshwar can be found here:

Meta-Dimensional Healing™:

This is a powerful interventional healing approach. It is meant to treat cases of physical distress and bring stability to the ailing client. It brings healing from Source and Mother-Father Earth to all layers of the human body. It targets specific conditions and neutralizes them on all layers where affected. During the session, I channel the energy of Source and other guides to effect a rapid healing of the issue. During this process, I may also remove whatever implants show up. Generally, this is enough to stop a problem. Sometimes however, another more in depth healing regime may be required to get rid of the core issue(s).