Entity Removals and Space Clearings

Entity Removals and Space Clearings As we shift vibrations throughout our lives, we will encounter different beings and entities that dwell within these vibrations. Sometimes they seek to influence us and/or feed off our energy bodies. It is essential to remove these beings in order to be free of their oppression and negative influence, to maintain a healthy state and progress through our awakening unimpeded.

I remove these negative entities that attach to our energy bodies and/or our living space as well as any implants that may be placed by them. I use a technique that combines a Shamanic approach with the energy of any of the guides I work with during my channeling. This process is relatively quick and is 'drama' free. I go into a silent meditative journey where I call upon special guides to assist me in removing the negative entities from the client's body or space. I then report what I see taking place during the Clearing session. All Entity Removal and Space Clearing sessions can be done in person or remotely.

Clients almost always report a feeling of relief and ease right after an entity removal. Their most frequent comment is that they feel "lighter", "freer", "more in control", "less agitated" and/or "no longer in despair". In addition, intense negative emotions that have been inexplicably plaguing the client vanish in a short period of time.